I recently discovered Poladroid and it has to be one of the best free pieces of software I've ever had. Compatible with both PC and Mac, Poladroid turns your digital photos into classic looking Polaroids. Amazing!
Soft Concrete by Nacho Carbonell makes an often hard looking material look surprisingly soft and inviting. It's made by pouring concrete into a shaped bag and then letting it cure.
Amy Bennett creates miniature 3D models of suburban scenes to serve as still lifes from which to paint. The results are pretty unique looking and at first glance it's hard to tell if they're photos, models or paintings. link
Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing has always been a process pretty far removed from a designers workspace but the RapMan could put an end to that. Costing an amazing £750 this self build Rapid Prototyping machine would surely make a nice addition to any designers toolkit. link