31 January 2011

Ikea Hackers

I stumbled across the Ikea Hackers website the other day and was amazed at some of the brilliant things people have made from Ikea products. Above are some of my favourites. Go take a look. Link

13 January 2011

Who's Banksy?

So that's who he is!

EcoSpace Studios

One day! Link

The Shadow Cloud


This amazing looking rapid prototype is by Drzach & Suchy and has a bit of a hidden secret. Watch the video to the end and prepare to be amazed. Nice!

Rekiem Handmade Skateboards

A beautiful video showing how skateboards are made by hand. Link

I'm Expanded Antique? What Are You?

Mmmm Expanded Antique, that's me. Take the test and find out what your type is. Link

The Amazing Work of Chris Burden


This is quite incredible. Chris Burden is an artist specialising in kinetic sculpture and "Metropolis II" is his latest piece consisting of 1200 Hot Wheels cars and some very impressive engineering. Love it!